I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 23 October 2003
Chuck-A-Palooza - sort of

Just a quick note to tell you that the event formerly known as Chuck-a-Palooza begins Sunday. This is a week-long seminar for engineers sponsored by my company. You can read up on last year's fun fest here, here, or just check out the October 2002 archives for all the gory details. The bad news is that the event means a lot of thankless grunt work. The good news is that it means overtime, which is great as I am quite broke.

Chuck-a-Palooza will henceforth be known as EngineerFest '03. Now that Uncle Chuckie (the crusty, quirkly, egotistical engineer that I used to do lots of work for) has been reduced to contract status, he's only appearing one day. There's been lots of ego clashes over this between him and Wayniac, the new marketing chief. Meanwhile, since Chuck is one of those people who can't say "please", "thanks", or "I'm sorry", he's really worn out his welcome with the GLOM (Gorgeous Ladies of Marketing). Well, I still talk to him, because he's promised me two beers as payment for me helping him over the phone with PowerPoint. And next week I will definitely need those beers. He better come through, or I will write a strongly-worded blog entry. That'll show him.

Now I'm off to my 7 AM appointment at the dentists' - I need to have a filing filed.

Posted by ginevra (link)
They never, ever deliver on the beers they promise you. Ten years I have spent editing for people, and only ONE has delivered on the "I'll take you to lunch if you help me with this!" promise.

I anticipate with bated breath your strongly-worded blog entry. ;)
There's one engineer here who gives me a Chili's gift certificate for Christmas, just for doing my job by editing his technical documents. I was actually sad I lost custody of him when they moved me over to web design.

I remember Chuckie brought all of us hotel soap from Spain one year.
¡Tal generosidad!