I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 21 October 2003
The groom wore a codpiece...
Renaissance couple

Today is our anniversary! The date was cleverly chosen to be right in-between our two birthdays; it's also the opposite (inverse?) of my birthdate, the 12th. We also chose a date that we thought wouldn't conflict with an SCA event, and then they went and scheduled a big event that weekend. *sigh* That's okay, it was as near a perfect day as one could hope for.

Godfrey is to be commended; I'm not that easy to live with, though he tells me he's dealt with worse. We have a lot in common, and we also tend to balance each other out - I'm more outgoing and have taught him an appreciation for football, for example. He's logical and polite (he chided me for shouting "Shoot me a t-shirt, bitch!" at the hockey game last week).

So, should we celebrate by going to the Indian restaurant, or the Spanish tapas place?

Posted by ginevra (link)
Hey, you remember that episode of "The Simpsons". Death by T-Shirt Cannon is an ugly way to go.

I think that the Indian place is far better than the tappas place. Go there.

congradualtions. BTW. XXOO, Sid
Hey, I know I'm extemely late here, but CONGRATS!! :)
