I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 24 October 2003
Pie are round, not square

For the past two nights, I have become incredibly exhausted after my math tutorial sessions with Godfrey. (And I assure you, nothing more exciting than geometry is happening.) I have crashed into a deep sleep after each one, and we're talking 9 pm here! Another symptom of math anxiety? The area of a triangle is 1/2 base x height, by the way.

I have to get back to work (EngineerFest and Power Point never sleep, apparently) but I talked to two English department graduate coordinators this morning. One was extra nice; the other was almost as nice, but, better than that, she assured me that I am not older then the traditional applicant. That made me feel better, since I read earlier this morning in "Getting What You Came For, The Smart Student's Guide to Earning a Master's or Ph.D" that "most English departments would be unlikely to take someone who was applying ten years after receiving a bachelor's degree." She said that was wrong. Let's hear it for misinformation being corrected! Now to call my alma mater and see if there's any alumni love happening there.

Posted by ginevra (link)