I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 8 August 2003
What's puzzling you is the nature of the game.

In a recent discussion I participated on over at The Elizabethan Lady's LJ, I encountered someone who maintained that 9.9 out of 10 SCA peers were suck-ups who kissed ass to get their awards. All I felt I could say in response was "Ouch!" It seemed pointless to argue with her; she'd made up her mind, what could I say to dissuade her? It's true, some people in the SCA, peers or not, are practiced bootlickers who constantly curry favor with the Powers That Be. I know that I didn't do that to earn my accolade, no one did that on my behalf, and my friends who are peers didn't engage in that sort of thing either. Nor did I pretend to be somebody I'm not to gain approval.

One lesson I've learned in the past few years is that there is no way that everyone will like me. It's pointless to attempt a 100% approval rating. In the real world, people judge me by my appearance, what I'm wearing, how I talk, my sex, my race. I can't be all good things to all the people I encounter. Inside the confines of the SCA, people judge me based on the type of costumes I wear, who I associate with, and, when they see my Laurel's medallion, they are going to make assumptions about me based on what they think of the order. They also might judge me based on what they may have heard about me. For a while, it bothered me a little that other people (or, to be more accurate, one person) out there talk(s) trash about my friends and I to anyone who might listen, as a recent Google of "House Sinister" Trimaris found. But if people are foolish enough to accept one person's opinion without bothering to get the other side of the story, that reflects poorly on them, not me. It also makes the trash-talker look petty after a while. So, life lesson, be yourself, some people will like you, others will not, most won't have an opinion either way. As Dr. Phil once said, "If we only knew how seldom people thought of us, their opinion wouldn't worry us" - well, he said something like that.

Oh, and if you believe that "Oops I meant that to be a private message" excuse, I've got some prime Everglades real estate I think you'd be interested in purchasing.

Posted by ginevra (link)
"The only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about."
Oscar Wilde

"If you want people to like you, don't hang out with Severin."
Duke John the Bearkiller
BTW, a lot of people are coming to this blog by doing a web search on "Bent Severin & Associates"...???
I really liked hearing your, Godfrey and Sid's views on being a peer. And you're right... There's nothing you can say or do to change a person's mind once they decide that 9.9 out of 10 peers is a big buttmunch. It's a pretty gross generalization. I would have to say that I think the attitude towards Peers and the attitude of Peers tend to varry from place to place, though. The smaller the local SCA group, the more likelihood that a newbie would view it as clique-y and anyone with a title or two as being "stuck up". The larger the group, the more annonymity is afforded to pretty much everyone and less toes tend to get stepped on from the get go.
I just have to say I really enjoy the word "buttmunch"
Adding "-munch" to the end of words is fun! Although, poomunch doesn't have quite a nice ring to it...
No, buttmunch works better! As far as the peer thing goes, basically, peers are people too, and it's really unfair to make generalizations like that.