I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 8 August 2003
Dude, can I score some Zyrtec?

On my way out of the allergy doctor's office this morning, I encountered the Zyrtec rep. My first thought was that I should mug him for his copious supply of samples. I had to quit taking Zyrtec since my insurance now charges $40 a month for the stuff. And now I have a co-pay for every shot. Rat bastards. In summation, my allergy habit is too expensive, time to cut some corners. Anywho, I also thought about asking him for some free stuff - "I love your product, it's the best, it's the only thing that really works - can I have some?" - but that's not my style, and he also looked like he wouldn't appreciate that sort of thing.

Posted by ginevra (link)