I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 7 August 2003
Titian! Honest to God!
cool hat

In talking with Italian costuming guru Jen Thompson about the above painting, I'm reminded of one of my all-time favorite SNL skits. I loved it before I loved Italian Ren costumes! And now I'm going to inflict it on you-

Announcer: And now, Public Access Cable Television Channel D presents.. "E. Buzz Miller's Art Classics".
E. Buzz Miller: Good evening, welcome to Public Access Cable Channel D, this is "Art Classics". I'm your host, E. Buzz Miller. And my lovely guest to my left here is Miss Christie Christina, and she's opening at the Coach & Pull Bar tomorrow night. But enough talk, let's get right to tonight's art classics. [E. Buzz holds up painting of naked woman lying on a bed ]
E. Buzz Miller: Now, the first one here is called Venus of Urbino, and it was painted in 1538 by a guy in Venice. And, this is for real, his name is spelled T-I-T-I-A-N. Titian! Honest to God!
Christie Christina: [giggles profusely]
E. Buzz Miller: He's a very famous respected artist, and this is a bona fide art treasure. And I don't think anybody could disagree that this is a really nice painting of a broad on a couch! How about you, Christie? You're an artist.
Christie Christina: Well.. I'm an artist and an entertainer! [ giggles profusely ]
E. Buzz Miller: Yeah, right! [laughs]
Christie Christina:[giggles profusely] But I think she's very heavy.
E. Buzz Miller: Well, of course.. but, back then, that's the way they liked them. You know.
Christie Christina:Oh.[giggles profusely]
[E. Buzz holds up a painting of a gathering in the woods]
E. Buzz Miller: Okay, here's another one, painted by the same guy - Titian. He painted these broads in 1555, so.. it's a classic! As you can see, he was a master of lights, colors and shapes. And, uh, we blew up this picture here with a little more detail. [holds up superimposed painting of the sole naked woman in the original painting] What do I see there, Christie? I see something there. Do you see something there?
Christie Christina:Yes, I do! [giggles profusely]
E. Buzz Miller:[points to the woman's perky nipple]Right.. there! You see? He didn't leave a thing off, did he!

Posted by ginevra (link)