I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 28 January 2003
"It's the Sport of Kings, Better than Diamond Rings - Football!"

Had an enjoyable time watching the Super Bowl at Greg and Heather's place. Greg is quite ingenious, (some might even say he's 'craft'), he builds temporary bleachers for his living room furniture, creating stadium seating for optimal viewing of the game on his big screen TV. I took some pictures, I'll have to post them when I take my happy ass to get them developed.

So Tampa Bay won the game. I'm happy to report that there was no burning of tires, cars, appliance stores, effigies, etc. There was lots of horn honking and other restrained jubilation. I think if the Bucs had lost, we would have had to have grief counselors rushed to the area.

It's also nice to see the myth that the Amish and Mennonite people are not allowed to own professional sports teams dispelled once and for all.

nice beard
Posted by ginevra (link)
I didn't know leprechauns actually had official religious affiliations.