I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 28 January 2003
Better Off Dead

An opthamologist told me several years ago that I slept with my eyes open. No, he didn't sleep with me; he figured this out since I often have red, dry eyes in the morning. This fact also explained all the dreams I have had that take place in the bedroom - my brain was just being lazy, choosing the setting that I was already looking at for my REM festivities. Stupid brain.

Yesterday when I got home from work, I decided to have a bit of a lie-down before fixing dinner. I woke up at 11:30 pm. Jeff came in to check on me to discover me lying there, staring straight ahead. He checked to see that I was breathing, but maybe he should have put coins on my eyes, because I still had my contacts in! Once I awoke from my light coma, I was able to remove them, but very carefully. I asked him if my eyes rolled up in my head, like dogs' eyes do when they're sleeping, but he said no, I was just staring. Anyway, that was very weird, and now Jeff can tell you what I will look like dead. (Also because he's seen me without makeup.)

Posted by ginevra (link)
I knew I should have taken a picture.

Well, at least you don't have boxing matches or grapple in your sleep. And then there's Troy's little monkey incident!
"Little Monkey Incident"?
I think they put makeup on you when you're dead. It's kind of moot at that point, but some folks are so hung up on presentation.

My friend Olen also sleeps with his eyes open - half-lidded. It is a bit disconcerting.
Keepin' it real dead - not made up for the parlor dead!