I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 1 December 2004
What Would Jung Do?
Ill say she is tattoo

I've been meaning to post this interesting link - an on-line article about "Conversational Terrorism" - for some time now. With the advent of the Internet, it's much easier to catch this sort of thing. Learn how to defend yourself!

I hate Freud, but Jung had it goin' on! He knew that we all have a dark side, the shadow self, and that we need to befriend our dark side, as it has hidden strengths that we can use to our advantage. That shadow self concept is the only useful thing I ever got out of therapy.

I wonder what Jung would make of constantly making self-deprecating remarks in the hopes that people will boost your ego? That's more like pandering to your shadow self, not trying to understand it. Something to think about. Another thought - martyrdom is not selflessness.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Oh, wow. *hurriedly copies link to a few friends*

Thanks for that one. Good stuff in there.

And filed under "stuff that's painful to admit," I'll point out that I've been guilty of that "self-deprecating" thing, often. *sigh* I'm getting better, though. "Martrydom is not selflessness" is going in my taglines file, by the way. =)
I think from time to time we all will say something that is self-deprecating. But when someone really gets into the habit of it, it kind of makes you wonder. Like when it's a daily thing.

Glad you liked it!
I can't say I'm a big fan of Jung, since the only time I see him referenced is when people use him in demented ways to force demented views. However, I love this link, I see every bloody example of these things in my favorite chatroom, by regulars and visitors alike.
That's usually how I see Freud referenced!
Hi! And what became with others?