I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 7 May 2004
"Should I grow a devil beard?"
wegman dog glamour

One of the engineering dudes changed his look recently by growing a goatee. He now looks just like Spock in the mirror (evil) universe! I told him so and fortunately he appreciated the compliment I was paying him.

Evil Spock

Of course, I'm partial to goatees; my man has had a "devil beard" (aka a pictavante, which I'm positive I've just mispelled and equally postive that he will gently correct me) for years, and it makes me sad when he shaves it. (This is due in part to an experience many years ago which led me to believe that a man's personality can drastically change when he suddenly grows a beard. Thus it would stand to reason that a sudden shaving could do the same, no?) For more information on this fashionable facial hair. visit goateestyle.com's gallery, witness a visual debate on the goatee vs. the van dyke (famous folks who have sported a van dyke include Colonel Sanders and the Green Arrow) or, for the brave of heart, you can visit "Rate My Goatee".

Posted by ginevra (link)
Boy grew a goatee a couple of years ago, and I really disliked it. Mainly because he seemed much more unhappy while he had it. My mother liked it. She said it hid all the scars he has on his chin, but I thought it just accentuated them bacause the scars didn't grow hair. :)
My husband is a dishwater blond, however, his beard is a rich auburn with two silver streaks coming down from the mustache area, down over the chin. Almost exactly ike this guy here:


Very dramatic. *snarf* He shaves every day, sometimes twice. Bk-bk-bk-GAWK!
I must not be one of the brave of heart. As soon as I went to the site and noticed that one of the ads was for something called "Beard Lube," I'd had enough.

What's even more frightening is when looking for other sites, I came across this one:


I don't know if it's sick or just that I'm jealous of babies born with more facial hair than I can grow.

It's also not fair that when I had a Van Dyke in the early 90s, I was looked at like I was a freak of nature, and now they're everywhere (goatees, that is, not freaks of nature). Unfortunately I was made aware that it had nothing to do with the facial hair. At least if I'd known it was actually called a Van Dyke, I'd have been able to snub them with that.

Back to lurk mode now, but I just had to weigh in on this one. After 48 hours of non-stop film-making, you could probably shave Godfrey's off for fun when he passes out...
Ha, Lurking Family Member, she's the last person who'd shave it off of me.