I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 27 February 2004
Spring of 1930

Re: Shagging

Dear Bulkhead,
Did you hear?
No need to cross the border
The dream date is here
(bookseller footmen ibid)

Row of ladies
Their excitement grows
They pavanne the length and width of your love tool
Please accept her invitation
Now is the time to relax

Cowbird called at random
Buzzard the only way to be free
Chloroform religious
Obtrude bacterial
Out and after

Hirsute Bradley Buckshot
Infernal Apollonian!
Aerobic Andean!
Help me help you
What's the big secret here?

Perspective job
Multiply drudgery
Kissing with horse
Shinto cereal
The cerebellum hadn't forgiven

Not today
Kropotkin Street then?
So it means Ginsburg can
Appreciate the idyll
Serendipidy, gladden, gladdy!

Your dose of found poetry.

(Copyright 2004 me! Ginevra!)

Posted by ginevra (link)