I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 30 October 2003
Journal of insanity

I have some hilarious observations on EngineerFest; unfortunately, I can't share them on this forum at this particular time. If you run into me in person, be sure to ask, if you're so inclined. If not - well, perhaps I'll be able to reveal all one day. Meanwhile, on its last day, here are some memories from EngineerFest -
*Someone using the phrase "concrete a business relationship". Several times on different cell phone conversations.
*People facing a giant plate glass window as they shout on their cell phones, in the vain hope that somehow said window will absorb the sound.
*More souless "jazz" muzak than ever before endured by a hapless employee.
*Ranch chip dip that hurt the left side of my tongue.
*EngineerFest participants shamelessly asking for free t-shirts.

Posted by ginevra (link)
"You mind your place, or you'll be wearing concrete galoshes."

"You mean cement overshoes?"

"Er... aye."