I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 29 October 2003
"Two minus three equals negative fun!"

Okay, this algebra/geometry thing is causing me some serious mental trauma. Is there anyone out there who can do some sort of Vulcan Mind Meld technique that will transfer years of math knowledge into my skull? It only needs to last a few days. You guys think I'm kidding, but I'm not. Seriously. HELP!!!

Meanwhile, to try to laugh at the situation, I've discoved a guide to math on The Simpsons; this was especially helpful as I keep thinking of the time Bart struggled with math in the episode "Bart the Genius". Hey kids! Check out Simpsonsmath.com for tips on learning math with The Simpsons! I'll have to check this out myself if there's any time during today's episode of EngineerFest.

Posted by ginevra (link)