I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 12 September 2003

As some of you know, I am considering going back to college, to attempt to get at least a Master's degree in English. I don't know many details at all - such as where, will I go full or part time, how the hell will I pay for it, when will I get started, etc. I just know that right now corporate life is not doing it for me. I am an egghead chick who digs reading and writing. I think I need to get a little emotional/spiritual/mental satisfaction from what I do for a living. Ideally I would like to teach on a collegiate level. However, I am well aware (thanks in part to this article) that it's not all rainbows and lollipops out there in academia.

So we'll see. I bought The GRE Test for Dummies last night.

Posted by ginevra (link)