I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 7 April 2003
Free Beer Face

I approached one of the woodpaneled, aquarium-embellished bars at the XO Club slowly. "I'd love a beer," I told the bartender. "Um, I have bottled imported beers for sale. You can get a free draft at the other bar." How could she tell that I was a woman who was only interested in free beer? I was dressed for work, so it's not like I was in a tube top and Daisy Dukes.

Anyway, mad props to the well-connected Lunchbox for getting a girl like me into a high-class joint like the Ice Palace's XO Club last week. I like going to posh places like that and pretending I actually belong there. And mad props to the Lightning for making the NHL playoffs since sometime in the late 20th century. Me like hockey!

Posted by ginevra (link)
Well, we have to class the joint up somehow, right? It was a pleasure to take you and big G, even if did encourage The Smelly Bellower with your whooping.

Hey, once every millenium in the playoffs isn't too bad, is it?