I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 20 February 2003
Grow Your Own
collect the whole set

An intriguing offer arrived via e-mail today: "Grow your Penis Safely and Naturally!" Now, THAT'S what I call a science fair project! I wonder, is it like those sea monkey kits they used to advertise in comic books? Do they send you a packet and all you have to do is just add water? How long (no pun intended) does it take to grow one of those? Wow, what will they think of next?

hey hey, we're the monkeys
Posted by ginevra (link)
It's amazing how many products they have for sea monkeys these days.
Like these:
I had no idea they still made Sea Monkeys!

Trivia: according to their creator, they were originally marketed under the name "Instant Life".

Well, in a mutual tie-in, the boys in South Park were doing some kind of experiment, and were filling an aquarium with sea-men. Cartman was gloating that he got them for free from some guy in an alley. All he had to do was close his eyes and suck them out of a hose.
Now the sea-monkeys in germany:


German Sea-Monkeys Shop