I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 19 February 2003
When Did That Happen?

I was blog-browsing and just happened to visit the blog of a sewer. She had a link to Butterick (a sewing pattern company, guys); out of bored curiousity I clicked on it, only to discover that McCall's now owns Vogue and Butterick (other sewing pattern companies). So I'm thinking, there goes divisity.

I really believe that soon there will be one restaurant - McDonalds; one retail store - Mal-Wart; and one church - probably Mormon, because they're so darn organized.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Whoops, I misinterpreted the first sentence the first time around. I thought it was a bit odd that an underground conduit for waste would have a blog!

Hmmm... with the same pronunciation, it could also have meant "a household officer or head servant in charge of the service of the table". Good Middle English term, I'll have to remember it!

I thought the same thing. When did plumbing get blogs?
I too have always thought we're heading toward 1 company per industry, I just think they won't be brand specific. There will be:
'Food', 'Entertainment', 'Finance', 'Utility', and 'Retail'.

Gosh, do I look forward to the future.
I KNEW I should have written 'seamstress'!
If The One Church turns out to be the Mormons, I'm packing up and moving somewhere else. Anywhere. The moon, maybe.

Yes, my wife is Mormon. Thanks for asking.
My boss' ex-wife was RLDS. He threw the church Elders out of his house when they demanded to know all the details of his sex life.