I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 21 August 2002
Enough about me, what do YOU think about me?

Excuse the egotism, let's just chalk it up to inexperienced blogging. We could also call it a psychological exercise of sorts. I keep running across these lists of "100 things about me", only they're not about me, they're about someone else. So I thought I would follow the trend and start my own list with 25 things so as not to be too annoying.

1. I’m from Akron, Ohio, “Rubber Capital of the World”. I was born in a Catholic hospital on Columbus Day in the late 1960’s.

2. I prefer cold weather to hot. I miss overcast days with intermittent drizzle.

3. I’m a Libra, but I have a lot of Scorpio on my chart - and I think my rising sign is Aquarius. I think one’s upbringing has a lot more to do with one’s personality than astrology does, but I still think astrology is interesting.

4. My mother taught me how to be patient with people. She’s the type of person people turn to for advice and comfort. They are in good hands. I wish I could see her more often, I call her a couple of times a week.

5. My dad imbued me with my sense of humor. He was a difficult person to live with, but he had a very rough childhood. I was “daddy’s little girl”. He died about four years ago. Now I think of all sorts of things to ask him about.

6. Other big comedy influences on me are Steve Martin and David Letterman. I have what most people probably think is a puerile sense of humor.

7. I’m frequently described as a smart-ass – to which I reply, “It’s better than being a dumb ass.”

8. I’m left-handed and think being left-handed is cool. It’s much easier now that they’ve invented ergonomic scissors. Those cheese graters they use at Italian restaurants and can openers are designed specifically for the right-handed. Among other things.

9. When being made fun of for my height in elementary school, I took comfort in the fact that one day it would be okay for me to be tall. I was right; I really dig being tall (5’8 1/4” ).

10. I’m very nearsighted - something along the lines of 20/450. I am grateful to whoever invented contact lenses.

11. Every day is best started with a Diet Coke.

12. My brother used to jam with Mark and Bob Mothersbaugh of Devo; they used to practice in our basement. But that’s not why I dig their music. They’re hip, cool, ahead of their time.

13. I’ve been fascinated by ancient Egypt since I was very young.

14. I believe in reincarnation, but I don’t think that I was Cleopatra in a past life.

15. I’m also intrigued by the possibility of alternate universes, of the concept that all possibilities exist.

16. I wish I were rich; I never seem to have enough money.

17. I like both cats and dogs, but appreciate the “low maintenance” of cats. And the fact that cats aren’t obsessed with sniffing everybody’s butt.

18. I am childless by choice; I would make a lousy mother, and childbirth would be pretty risky for my health at any rate.

19. Clutter is, and always has been, an issue for me. I’m trying to get rid of my pack-rat tendencies. I have been making progress recently–I’m taking a lot of stuff to the thrift store run by the battered women’s shelter.

20. If it weren’t for modern medicine, I’d more than likely be dead now.

21. I make my emotional living by making people laugh.

22. I like my current job, but I would still rather be at home working on my various hobbies–sewing, painting, reading and doing research, writing, and window shopping, among other things.

23. I have worked as a shoe salesperson, in the box office of a movie theater, at a university library, at a TJ Maxx, in the university development department (calling alums for donations–if you went to UF and I interrupted your dinner, sorry), at a bank in their customer information center (hated that one), at an art supply store, as a trainer for a computerized industrial embroidery machine distributor, various temp jobs in offices, in an interior design textile showroom (loved that one), as a proofreader, receptionist/technician dispatcher, and as a marketing/advertising jack-of-all trades.

24. I don’t watch a lot of TV. For one, most of it is stupid. Also, I have a hard time just sitting there - it always feels like I should be doing something else at the same time. I do love “The Simpsons”, I try to watch that whenever I can. And “SpongeBob Squarepants” rocks. Denis Leary’s show, “The Job”, was hilarious, I wish they hadn’t cancelled it. I do like to watch football. So-called “reality TV” shows are the pits.

25. I like hockey and football. I need to learn more about hockey, I could probably stand to become a more educated football follower. Baseball is okay, but a little slow, among other things. I hated gym classes in school, I’m more of a spectator that a participant when it comes to sports. Though I was a pretty good ice skater when I lived in Ohio.

Posted by ginevra (link)