I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 21 August 2002
Attack of the Killer Baby Blue Jay

So last weekend I was over at Sev and Lisa’s helping them move a lot of dirt around their backyard, when suddenly a fledgling blue jay attacked Lisa. Okay, it didn’t really attack, it actually flew up to her and landed on her shoulder. As Lisa was wearing gardening gloves, she wisely decided to perch the creature on her wrist. It interrupted work for a while as it took turns landing on each of us and our shoveling implements, in what appeared to be a flagrant act of begging for food. His flying wasn’t too polished, so it must have been just kicked out of the nest by its avian parents. Finally the little fellow got the hang of things and flew away, in search of either real bird food or more gullible humans. Nature in action!

In other news, we went for Japanese food that evening and I got to have sushi for the first time in years. Yum! But I found out that I need remedial chopstick lessons.

Posted by ginevra (link)