I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 19 August 2002
I've had a good run

I was in the office parking lot this afternoon when lightning struck nearby, probably no more than 1/4 mile away. It was pretty startling; a nearby street light pole started sizzling.

My first thought was - was I supposed to be killed by that, or was I protected from being killed by some divine intervention? Am I done, or is there something I still have to accomplish? The almost dying thing didn't upset me. Guess I'm in a philosophical mood lately. It's always seemed to me that my "job" in life is to make other people happy, so I suppose there's more of that left to do.

At least I wasn't one of the people sitting on metal chairs on the smoking porch; they were jolted out of their seats. Goes to show ya - smoking will hurt you, one way or the other

Posted by ginevra (link)