I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 16 August 2002
Stream of Consciousness Friday
This is the second office where a coworker was fond of saying “okey dokey, Schmokey”...I’m glad I’m “not insane”...Damn the IEEE and their insistence on utilizing Microsoft Word...Kurt Warner’s wife has provided an excellent example of why I shouldn’t get an 80’s haircut...wish tattoos didn’t give you hepatitis...If only the rest of Marketing Services appreciated the Beastie Boys as much as I do...Does the bakery with the sign “He is Risen” realize that’s a subtle pun/play on words?...I must have killed the brain cell that knew how to spell ‘believe’, I keep misspelling it...”let us celebrate our new arrangement with the adding of chocolate to milk”...Should I order the same thing I always get at the Indian restaurant tonight, or break out of that particular food rut?...Seeing the guy who runs this company walking around in tattered tennis shoes is somehow not comforting, even though it is Casual Friday...Yay, time for lunch!!
Posted by ginevra (link)