I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 25 October 2002
On the Nature of Blogs

I had lunch with Sid today. Her phone call inviting me to a prandial adventure was quite fortuitous - I make it my business to vacate the cubicle for the noontime hour, but was without a specific course of action on this particular Friday.

We talked about candid photography, a vacation that a Yosemite Sam Pez dispenser took some years back, alternative religious practices, and more. What I liked most (probably because it put me in a favorable light) was Sid's theory of blogging. She says (and I'm paraphrasing, because we were in a New Age book shop at the time, and the combination of candles and incense gives me a real buzz) that people start blogs because they sense a certain void in their lives that they want to fill via communication. "For instance, you feel a void at work. However, some people, their whole lives are voids; I can't stand to read those blogs. That's why yours is the only blog I read."

Actually, my job isn't all that bad, but there is some really funny stuff that goes on here that needs sharing. I am really relieved to know that, in Sid's eyes anyway, I don't have a tragic blog.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Well, then, I certainly have a pointed question to ask Sid tonight!
Well, this isn't the only one I read, but all of the ones I read are read for different qualities. Most of my faves are slices of life, such as this. Some are closer to pure bloggage (link after link after link), but I'm not usually too fond of those unless there's really good commentary by the site author.

Put another way: If someone really puts something genuine of themselves into the writing, I'll probably read the site fairly frequently. It is my goal to do the same on my pages in the hopes of attracting like-minded readers. This is also why I try to keep the Blogs of Note list (yes, Ginerva, I'm getting to it, I really am) as short as possible. It's not a link exchange, it's a list of sites I regard highly for one reason or another. My criteria is something like this: If someone were visiting my site and wanted to go read someone else's afterward, where could I send them for an even better reading experience than they get from me?

Anyway. That went on a bit longer than was probably necessary, but I'm trying to get into the writing habit in anticipation of NaNoWriMo. Yeah. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it. ;-)
Keep on writing!
I think that is the one thing that scares Sid (and sometimes, me)-when it seems the writer has nothing to share, other than what he or she ate for dinner or watched on TV. That the person's life seems so empty. Another thing that has startled her is when people reveal details of visits to the doctor that were perhaps better left unsaid. (!) I'll write about medical stuff if it's funny or somehow relevant to what mood I'm in - if I feel like sharing that. Also, to quote Spinal Tap: "There's a fine line between clever and stupid." I feel like I walk that line every day.

My criteria is like yours - the blogger ought to make me laugh and/or make me think. I only wish I had more to contribute to your blog - I'll keep trying!

BTW - Lunchbox, YOU need to start blogging. It's time you started inflicting your opinions on cyberspace, rather than only meatspace. Besides, you told me we both need to write more...
I hear ya, Red. But you know me, I prefer inflicting my opinion on people when it's not expected. It's like volunteering; I'd rather help someone do their job than take it myself. There's more gratitude, less grief.
Drive-by Opinions...I should design a shirt for you with that motif...I'll let you off the blog hook as long as you keep leaving me notes here!
Home for lunch and getting up to date on the comments. I just had to address the "Pointed Question" that Jeff had for me that night.

You see, when the techno-lovers first told me about blogs this summer, I was curious to understand what they were about. The easiest one to check out was Jeff's. From his, I linked to several others. Now, Jeff's blog seemed to be what was on his mind at the given time but what he didn't have time to say(especially over the pnone)at that time. Nothing freaky, nothing that made me feel like I had walked in on him sitiing on the toilet.
Karen's blog is also what is on her mind at the time. I do feel that she would make the time to say it if I were actually there but just because I'm not there, she won't restrict her clever sense of humor. She is communicating with friends beyond meat space as it were. And again, there is no invasion of decency issue.
But other blogs that I saw on that fateful day in June completely freaked me out. As in, these folks had time to talk but no one to talk to. As in there was no thing that was too personal for their mark in the random cyber world. As in "Please, feel free to walk in on me in the bathroom. I wouldn't mind! I really am that desperate for attention!'
Raise your hand if Ewww!

So, yes Jeff I have seen your blog once and several others too. However, I have not revisited.
I visit Karen's when I am stuck in my own dread cubicle waiting for a phone call, etc.
PS- that photo you have of me on the cast page is terrific! Can I have a copy?
Sure! I thought I had given you a copy. (I raised my hand, by the way.)
Lunchbox is destined not to blog because he has had to endure the works of Marcel Proust during his time in academia. I am certain that if Proust were alive today he would blog. Mercilessly. I guarantee it would be the sort of thing that would make you run screaming into the night.
Hmmm... National Summarise Proust's Blog Competition, anyone?