I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 24 October 2002
Totally Creepy!
The humanity!

Is this not the most horrifying Christma$ card in recent history? The inside message reads,"Here's wishing you a toasty warm holiday". It ought to read, "Here's hoping you're all smiles as you endure a long, slow death!"

Posted by ginevra (link)
I think that snowmen in Florida is the creapiest holiday theme imaginable. I had nightmares as a child regarding the Frosty the Snowman fate. That movie where the dad is reincarnated as the snowman is the most morbid thing on the TV every December. My cool halloween charm bracelet is clacking annoyingly on the keyboard. How do I avoid that oh accessory girl?

I thought that movie was creepy too. And I thought of your issues with snowmen in Florida when I saw this card. As for the bracelet on the keyboard - I have to confess, sometimes I have to take off my bracelets (usually the cuff/bangle-types) when I'm typing.