I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 17 August 2005
come on down!
anne taintor clean house dream

Lately, when I feel optimistic (or busy), I get the theme music for The Price is Right caught in my head.

Posted by ginevra (link)
D'oh! Now I have it!
Thanks so very much for the air worm ;-).
For me, it's "Sweet Georgia Brown," or occasionally the "Sanford and Son" theme.
Have you heard the techno version of this theme - "Come On Down" by Crystal Waters?
Techno? That I gotta hear!!
Hey, how'd you do in G-man's class?
I got an A-. During the semester I thought that would be okay. Now I'm kinda ticked off that I didn't get an A.
I was fine with my A- because I hate theory and was expecting a B, based on what I heard about his grading. I guarantee my - came from my lack of participation, which is fine as well. Heh heh.
Hey! Where ya be?