I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 8 July 2005
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Storm

Maybe "love" is a bit strong, but I am trying to avoid getting caught up in the pre-hurricane hype. Once again our city is on the edge of the "cone of woe", that is, the funnel-shaped projected storm track, this time for Hurricane Dennis. This means there are people swarming the grocery stores buying bottled water, ice, canned soup, and peanut butter. As opposed to last season, I am only occasionally tuning into the Weather Channel. I know where that storm is, but I'm not going to get all plugged in to the widespread panic that induces wild-eyed battery buying. However, we do need a few things from the Home Despot and the grocery store, two places that are sure to be filled with people who have been watching too much Jim Cantore.

Potentially interesting sidebar: I used to work with a guy named Dennis. He was one of those guys who is maybe 1/16th American Indian, and constantly wears Indian jewelry. He had a penchant for sharks, so we would play a kind of Dennis tag - when we would see him engaging a helpless fellow cow-orker in conversation, we would join the conversation long enough to bring up the subject of sharks, and then disengage from the convo, thus ensuring the cow-orker would be trapped talking to Dennis for at least another hour. Good times.

Posted by ginevra (link)
I used to work with someone like that too, only he talked about paintball. I'm not worried about the hurricane since I now live in a brick home. But I am hoping for a cancelled class JUST so we don't have to go to theory.
Ah, but would he add another half hour onto the remaining classes if class is canceled Monday? Because I don't think I could take a class any longer than the four hour marathons we have now!
I think Melvin-tag might be fun. Just get him going on plagiarism!
OMG.If I have to hear him talk about that anymore...
My boss (the store owner) in my previous job (eight or so years ago) was named Dennis...
Ah, yes. Another boss named Dennis....for the past few days I've been commenting that the storm is aptly named after my boss. Sort of miss the hurricane season (miss is definitely too strong a word!) Though I'm living in Connecticut now, my house and family are still in Jupiter Florida. We finally got our roof repaired a couple weeks ago...just in time for a new season of mother nature's delights.
I do believe Florida is in for another bumpy season. Unfortunately.