I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 20 June 2005
dr who thumbs up by poisoninjest

I miss the 9th Doctor Who already! Way to go, Christopher Eggleston, just when you were getting away from your weird and creepy image. Ya big poopie head. I hope you read this post and you stop and think about what you've done.

Posted by ginevra (link)
I'm only ten episodes into the Eccleston run, but he's been an outstanding Doctor in my "more fannish than many, not as fannish as some" opinion. I'm going to miss him.
I haven't watched much Dr. Who at all until this new series. I guess I bonded with Eccleston somehow, based on my reaction to the last show. Really good stuff though, I've totally enjoyed each show this year.
ya big poopie head?

I love it. Must steal!
Steal away!
Just finished watching Parting of the Ways... waah! I'm gonna miss 'im! He was a good Doctor!