I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 14 June 2005
I hate our insurance company, part 3714
Don\'t stalk

This is weird - we got an invoice for a visit I made to the doctor earlier this year (because, crazy me, I actually thought that was why you got insurance). On the bottom of the invoice was this message: "Your insurance carrier has requested that you, the patient, contact them to update their files. Until this is done, they will not consider this date of service as a covered benefit."

Isn't that a form of stalking? I mean, most insurance companies contact you, don't they? They don't send a message via the doctor, for crying out loud. Well, I'm sure that more wackiness will ensue when I call them, so stay tuned.

Posted by ginevra (link)
It's not so much stalking as it is a way to screw the lazy out of their benefits. The harder they make it to collect, the fewer people will pursue them. I work with people who consider it easier to just pay the whole thing than find a doctor covered by their insurance.
Some insurance companies, like ours (UHC) will not contact the insured. Usually we've ended up with notices from our physician's office (up to a year or two later) saying that payment was not made, please send now or we'll send this to a collection's agency. A very nice letter to receive....NOT!

Make sure to write down the date, time, person you spoke with, etc. Ask them for a specific date of payment to the dr.'s office & to send you a letter advising that it was sent. We've had luck with that in the past.

Good luck!