I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 15 April 2005
Homer drooling

I always know something is seriously, seriously wrong when I begin thinking that lunch at McDonalds would be tasty. Like there's a massive vitamin deficiency of some rare but essential mineral in my body and it's making me think crazy thoughts like that. McDonalds "food" leaves a weird film on my tongue. And the meat is dry. Why on earth do thoughts of a quarter pounder with cheese and fries taunt me with the delusion that they would taste great right about now?

Posted by ginevra (link)
it's the salt and grease addiction. :)
Ddon't tempt me: I'll go out and eat that McDonald's meal and feel so so crappy afterwarcs. Did you know that today is technically their 50th anniversary? Fifty years of presenting fat filled foods to millions of unsuspecting customers. Ok, maybe they were suspecting but still...
Because it is so very, very bad for you? And the burgers, hear how they call for you!
oooh, not anonymous coward!!!! the blog, it is strange and it frightens me.
Yeah, that "anonymous coward" thing is a default my programmer put in, it gets people sometimes.
go to BK and get an Angus burger, those things are juicy!
I used to go get a Whopper from BK and then drive across the street to get McD's fries - that was when BK put that awful coating on their French fries. Talk about devotion to junk food.