I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 14 April 2005
Poetry Factoid
Austin Powers

Me in American Lit today: "Walt Whitman was gay? I didn't even see that one coming. I mean, women loved him!"

Posted by ginevra (link)
My mother let me read this children's book about his life and poetry over Christmas break and when I was done, I had a sinking suspicion that he was indeed homosexual. But I swear I was oblivious to that before.
That makes me feel better - apparently I was the only one in class today who didn't know he was gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that, to quote Sienfeld.
I've always been baffled that people didn't realize he was gay. I mean, come on people, read his crap! Poetry class also taught me that e.e. cummings was a pretentious no-talent prick, but you know me, I'm all about rules for poetry. With no rules, you have abstract spewage.
i can't believe
you don't like
this sort of thing!

Thank god, I'm not the only one who can't stand e.e. cummings.
That's too funny you didn't know. Puts a new spin on "O Captain.." doesn't it? But it's also funny how women adored Oscar Wilde during his early career. It's typical of so many generations of semi-closeted artistic males and their naive faghag fan base protesting, "He's not gay, he's just sensitve..."

Well, in my defense, I haven't read a lot of Whitman. Mainly I felt un-hip - like I should know the sexual preference of literary figures, for some reason.
Talk about Oscar Wilde! His tomb, erected (I hear you giggling!) by a female fan and coverd with hundreds of kisses by the women who visit him. I don't get it. Is this why some women love to read/write slash? I just don't get it.
"The roots of Slash" - I might be able to write a paper about this - hmmmm...

("erected" - hee hee!)