I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 26 January 2005
slash dot exclamation point!
edna mode

After discovering that people write fan fic about The Incredibles (to be specific, slash involving the pre-teen boy and the villain), I definitely feel that my life quality has declined since discovering that people write They Might Be Giants fanfic.

I think that most fan fic is just weird day-dream fantasies that, before the Internet, just stayed in people's heads. As someone who teaches writing, I'm glad that people feel inspired to write. But when your writing is confined to riffing on the creations of others - there's a point where it becomes less writing and more indulgent fantasizing.

Flannery O'Connor said, "People are always asking me if the university stifles writers. I reply that it hasn't stifled enough of them. There's many a bestseller that could have been prevented by a good writing teacher." Just think what she'd say about the fan fic fad.

Posted by ginevra (link)
This disturbs me. Perhaps not as much as Transformers slash because... well, because it just does. I've written my fair share but I swear they were consenting adults.
They Might Be Giants fanfic.
You take that back; it can't exist! Nobody is so twisted as to pervert the Johns! STOP THE MADNESS!

PS - they aren't consenting adults if you're making it up. Just because Starsky & Hutch are both over 18 doesn't mean they'd do it. SLASH IS WRONG!
Transformers slash??? Were they even gendered to begin with?

As for you, LunchBox, I suggest you not click on that link, for the sake of your sanity.

If it's made up, it can be anything you want it to be.
I guess that's true.


The link I posted about The Incrediblescontains people talking about how hot the cartoons are. I mean, whatever floats your boat, but thinking cartoons are sexy and getting turned on by a fairly innocent show like that is odd.
It's going to sound odd but in middle school, I began collecting comic books. Mostly X-men but I branched out. My friends and I were in love with Wolverine, Gambit and Cable. As weird as it is to find cartoons sexy, some people are into that. Not saying I am anymore. But I know I wasn't the only one. I won't rat out anyone else in the English Dept. but they know who they are. heh heh.
Heh. I know some X-Men fans, but not any in the dept! Maybe it's because The Incredibles was a family of super heroes; at any rate, reading comments from people saying Syndrome must be hot without a shirt on because he must have flaming orange chest hair, or "wow that bondage restraining scene was sexy" just seems odd. Maybe because the artwork is more abstracted, as opposed to X-Men and other traditional comic book art.
Wow. That's disturbing, and it takes more than you'd think to actually disturb me in that fashion.

Oh, I'm with ya on the slash fic and fic on cartoons and children's books and shows. It's just wrong. I think writers that have fitional children having sex with adults need to be looked at for pedophilic tendencies. The Harry potter fic is some of the darkest, most machocist, sickest shit I've ever seen.

BUT I have to confess, I write fanfiction for Babylon5.

I do NOT write smutty/sex or slashy fic. I hate those. Instead I try to do strong drama based fill in stories or plots that alter the shows original storylines or add to the whole shows mythology. I try to write things that he should have written or written instead.

I've been told I'm actually one of the best b5 fic writers out there, one who puts alot of thought into plots and willing to shake things up a bit withint the "canon". I did it to begin with as a writing exercise. I wanted to learn to write and I concocted a story for a show I knew well, B5. One story led to two and I have to say my writing is much better than it started. I don't think I could have written my article if I hadn't started writing fic. The words just come to me faster than they used to.

No on in my family, not even my husband, my laurel knows I write fic at all. One local sca person found some of my stuff online before I started using a pen name.
Wow Jen, you came out onmy blog!

I don't mind the idea of fan fic as a springboard to creative writing - though the danger is that the writer will get so caught up in the world and characters created by someone else that he won't strike out on his own. Besides, many of the fan fic communities I've come across seem a bit too lascivious when it comes to the younger characters. And besides, Malfoy and Harry wouldn't do it for the simple reason that they can't stand each other!!
There are 174,704 Harry Potter fics on fanfiction,net, the largest all fanfic site.


Thats a list of R rated ones, with Harry P and Draco M as the main characters... fanfiction.net doesn't do NC17 anymore... but there are sites out there for it liek this one:


sad sick sadder.

That's a common topic of fanfic: people who can't stand each other, gettin' it on. When the "Phantom Menace" came out there were plenty of sites that I visited but none more than this one focusing on Obi-Wan and Darth Maul being neighbours. Obi was all chipper and Maul hated it but they always ended up together. It was hilarious.
Why is everone making such a big deel out of this? It's fanfiction! As in FAN and FICTION! That's what you're supposed to do with fanfiction; make stuff up. It's not like you're changing the whole story for the whole world. I'm not saying that I support slash because that itself is wrong, but if you don't like it don't read it. As for finding animated characters sexy, you wouldn't understand unless you had yourself. It's the same as liking a live actor, and as long as you can hopefully keep a grip on reality, there's nothing wrong with it.
Now I'm thinking I've got a fanfic inside me somewhere. It may be LOST but I'm not seeing any good slashy pairings there... OK, you caught me: I'm just trying fire people up. This was a pretty funny thread. Oh and where were you on Wednesday? You missed Pedagogy.
I know - I'm a bad TA!
My main point on this is that I find it odd that slash writers go to great lengths to stay "in canon", and yet create a situation where two characters that probably would not go at it (because they hate each other, or because they're straight) go at it.

I never said fan fic should be outlawed. But there are some wild examples of it out there. By the same token, I have weird hobbies too.
My interest is piqued. Weird hobbies?
Oh, just the usual quasi-historic costumed antics.
Lister: D'ya think Wilma's sexy?
Cat: Wilma Flintstone?
Lister: Maybe we've been alone in deep space too long, but every time I see that body, it drives me crazy. Is it me?
Cat: Well, I think in all probability, Wilma Flintstone is the most desirable woman that ever lived.
Lister: That's good. I thought I was going strange.
Cat: She's incredible!
Lister: What d'ya think of Betty?
Cat: Betty Rubble? Well, I would go with Betty... but I'd be thinking of Wilma.
Lister: This is crazy. Why are we talking about going to bed with Wilma Flintstone?
Cat: You're right. We're nuts. This is an insane conversation.
Lister: She'll never leave Fred, and we know it.

Red Dwarf, "Backwards"