I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 7 January 2005
AB! OMGWTFBBQ!!!!11one
Alton Brown and fish

Alton Brown (he's not the God, but he's a god) is going to be at a grocery store very close to where I used to live!!!!!!!! I think I smell a road trip cooking!!!

ETA: look! For only $75, you can take a class with him! (scroll down for details) Oh, why can't I be rich?

Posted by ginevra (link)
Why couldn't he come here? Oh wait, because it's Tallahassee. Riiiight.
I know, I have to get used to that myself. We can always hope...
Where? Where?! I still live around where you used to live!
Check out this page on his web site - you'll see!
I'm there baby -WOOT!
Maybe I will be too ...