I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 26 October 2004
Simpsons Wendell Ill

I'll spare you the details - but this is not what I need today, of all days.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Just cancel class. That's what I did. I hadn't done it yet but I was only showing a movie besides. You get to rest and they think you're awesome. It works for both sides.
I don't have classes today, I'm the student. I had to give a presentation in my seminar. Fortunately I made it through without barfing. The man dropped me off and picked me up. If I don't start feeling much better though, I may have to cancel tomorrow's classes.
Yeah cancelling sucks but like I said, your kids appreciate it and as long as it's not a regular occurrence, no on else cares. (i.e. the powers that be)
I'll say - one student e-mailed me that she was sorry that I was sick, but she was so excited that class was cancelled that she shouted and jumped up and down! She made so much noise that her upstairs neighbor came to make sure she was all right! Nothing like honesty to put me in my place.
LOL. That's awesome. I had about 6 students mail me and say get better. That reassured me that they don't despise my guts.