I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 1 October 2004
"He forgot Poland!"
Tim Russert Sekrit

I watched the debates last night while researching Jane Austen (and no, "researching Jane Austen" is not a euphemism...though I might turn it into one...)--where was I? Ah yes, the debate. Can I get a Good Citizen award or something for making through the whole 90 minutes? Considering the polarized state of politics today, I was kind of hoping there'd be a fist fight. That might be one way to settle things. Sorry, Mum, but Dubya didn't come across that well. He stammered and stuttered, and if that doesn't sound indecisive, I don't know what does.

And let's talk about the "flip flop" issue - if you make a decision, and then get more/better information, why is it not okay to change your course of action? For example - let's say you fall in love with someone, and it turns out that person is an alcoholic. Do you stay with that person and waste the rest of your life? Or do you cut your losses at some point? (I guess a "Christian" would tell me that it's one's moral duty to stay married...maybe that proves my point...)

"The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind." ~ Willilam Blake

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Posted by ginevra (link)
Ya know, there's an old cliche "nothing" carved in stone". It's bugs me that people seem to think their politicians' opinions should be.

60 years ago, it was obstetricians' opinions that it was an acceptable practice to X-ray a pregnant woman to check on fetal development. Now, if they even think you might be pregnant, you're not allowed in the room! Why is it good for a doctor to change his opinion, but not a country's leaders??
If thats your interpretation of a Christian, then you haven't a clue!
Well, Coward, I guess you didn't want to enlighten us, that's too bad. Ever spend time with an abusive alcoholic before? Or are you too busy "casting the first stone," as it were?

P.S. - You don't have a clue about punctuation and spelling, either.