I'll Say She Is!
Saturday, 11 September 2004
guess what's hitting the fan?

I was crafting an elaborate rant about my predicament here, when an unforunate series of key strokes erased my work. So now I'm too angry to reconstruct it - I'll just have to forgo the cleverness.

There's a rather large hurricane out there, and many forecasts indicate that it's indeed 'heading right for us'. You won't hear the TV meteorologists say this, because for whatever reasons, they seem to like large-scale panic amongst the citizenry. Must be good for ratings. Now, this model forecast is the sort of thing I'm finding on the Internet, long known for its reliability where information is concerned. Note that three out of five possibilities take it to my current location. If you squint at the map, you can see the turn to get to the apartment marked clearly for the hurricane to see. (Oops, I forgot and slipped in a little humor - my bad.)

Remember my student loan issues? Well, SALLIE MAE found yet another issue with my loan application (note to self: pen exhaustive anti-SALLIE MAE rant later for all the WWW to see), the end result being that the funds won't be available until Wednesday.

Wednesday, when this storm may be arriving.

You see, I was really counting on that money to pay some bills. Bills like renter's insurance, which has lapsed because of the whole becoming-a-grad-student-and-taking-an-enormous-pay-cut-thing, and at one time I was assured that funds would be available August 26...but I digress...I have already received one advance from the university, I may be able to get another, but will it be in time to reactivate my renter's insurance? Don't insurance companies have clauses in tiny print to the effect that "if a big storm is targeting you, you can't get insurance right away"?

Seriously, I'm not sure what to do at this point, I really am trying to avoid panic, but after watching two storms rip into this state, it's hard not to worry. At some point, I will place my most treasured books in one of those giant plastic bins and hope for the best.

P.S. - whose bright idea was it to name a storm after an infamous despot? I suppose next year we'll have Hurricane Adolph to contend with.

Posted by ginevra (link)