I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 2 September 2004

Florida seems to be in trouble from another hurricane. (And some people wonder why I don't like it here.) At any rate, I'd like to present to you some examples of hurricane wackiness:

*Anyone who is against the cancelling of the SCA event that was slated for this weekend in the center of the state. Most people camp out at these things, while others stay in cabins. Not the safest place to be when a storm that's as big as the state comes calling. Also, do we really need to be driving on the interstates when folks are trying to evacuate? One knucklehead posted in a SCAdian's blog that by the time the storm reached the campsite, the winds would be "down to 85 mph", like 85 mph is a cool refreshing seabreeze.

*Storm stalkers who want the thing to hit so they can study it. Or insist that the track they are predicting is the only right one. Or have a favorite meterologist from NOAA, and get all excited when they see his or her name on the latest advisory. Like every other place on the web, even people who like chatting about storms need a reminder to be civil. They're all in their element, so to speak. It's kind of cute, in a geeky way. How can you resist a weather web site called Barometer Bob's Hurricane Hollow?

*"The authorities" aren't saying where Frances is off to, so they advise everyone to stock up on batteries and plywood. This is great news if you own Home Depot stock. When these storms go off track and away from major metropolitan areas, the media people actually seem a little sad.

Posted by ginevra (link)
"down to 85 MPH" indeed... *snort*