I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 2 August 2004
'twas the last week of the semester
sil pen

Moving, I have decided, is best done all at once, much like pulling off a Bandaid, which should also be done quickly rather than prolonging the process. However, various circumstances forced us to move over the course of a few weekends, with lots of 550-mile round trip weekends for the both of us, living apart on the weeks, etc.

It's mostly over, Godfrey has joined me in our new home, though some of our stuff is with Bri or in a small storage unit. Speaking of Bri, he was a big help, as were Lisa and Lunchbox, who let us stay at their place after we spent about 14 hours packing and cleaning out the old place. She even washed our icky clothes, since everything was packed somewhere in one of the cars - a real act of mercy! We thought we'd be able to leave at a reasonable hour, but I can't seem to drive on the highway in the dark, it lulls me to sleep. We all had a nice breakfast before Godfrey and I hit the road.

Meanwhile, I still have schoolwork to finish or else I'll get kicked out of grad school. Should be done in a couple of days. Ciao for now!

Posted by ginevra (link)