I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 22 June 2004
Sweet Distraction
Vezinni inconceivable

I may let myself do one more post before the end of this week. The Internet has become too attractive and is too tempting to a procrastinator such as myself. So I need to stay away from the attractive glowing box on my desk.

I have lots to do before summer school starts next week, and I fear that it won't all get done. In one burst of procrastination I tinkered with this old blog, updated some links, added some things, and you can see what I have in mind when time allows. Yes, I do have an eBay store now! Sorry for the less than dramatic announcement that the event deserves. I'll be selling fabrics and trims, not much in there right now, but I hope to have more in inventory by the end of next month. I'll let you know.

At any rate, do tune in to see how I fare in school after such a long time in "the real world" - if that's what you can call the working conditions I was subjected to until recently.

Posted by ginevra (link)
wahoo fabric shopping!