I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 9 October 2002
Chuck-a-Palooza Takes Its Toll

Day 4: I awoke with dark circles under my eyes despite managing to get nine hours of sleep. For some reason I am having a strong craving for bacon. However, our daily breakfast offering consists of muffins and pastries - and I'm not going to pay $20 for a hotel breakfast. bacon-bacon-bacon-bacon-BACON!

Yesterday I had to load the engineers onto a bus twice, taking attendence and passing out name tags. At least I didn't have to ride the bus; I waved as the bus pulled away, a couple of the engineers waved back. I have been reduced to getting left-brained people to wave to entertain myself.

Dinner consisted of salmon, with peanut butter pie for dessert. The restaurant served boiled peanuts as an appetizer. I was the only person at the table who liked them. (In fact, I think I may be the only person outside my family who likes them.) The sales manager for Asia tried one and then told me, "You like these things? You'd do great in China." Apparently there's lots of foods with the same texture over there. Only they are not plant, they're animal-derived. If I survive the rest of the week I will address boiled peanuts in another post.

For the present time, I have been remanded to my cubicle and forced to create technical drawings for my chief captor, who goes by the code name "Uncle Chuck". I feel the will to resist fading fast. Being forced to wear unfashionable golf shirts with the corporate logo has obviously been effective. Please, if anyone is out there in cyberspace reading this, help!

Evil Captor
Posted by ginevra (link)
My children have never actually SEEN the "Beggin' Strips" commercials, but still have been trained (gee, by who?) in the timeless litany of, "I... smell... BACON! baconbaconbaconbaconbacon..."

I lurves bay-kon.