I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 1 June 2004
This may be the last installment of Found Poetry
deeply stupid

Unless I start getting weird subject lines in another mailbox.


What were you waiting for?
the stolen eavesdrop,
the schizophrenic grease,
the Ciceronian cankerworm?

Connie Sequin's lupine costume
She wants you to be freshman testicular
Or the chantilly glove muscle ---
Puritan Babylon,
Never go soft again!

Thou tyrannic Senegal!
All out of love,
Not this time
Myriad benign
Hardtack stolen acquiesce
Enzte is a ripoff despotic bike.

Brindle toastmaster Dolores Tyson
Continue demurring
Cauliflower anxiety inexcuseable
Stop and look around, cumbersome combinator.

Calisthenic bypass
Acadia trigonometry
When you look down sportswriting propriety
Marginalia pasture.

Voluminous Aunt Clytemnestra
That stodgy Confuscianism crackpot
Her collarbone the dainty wingspan
Bereft of swanlike karma
New mail from the dashboard.

Bothersome, important, incidental cavemen
Fallen dateline blizzard bumble
heed the caldron
Financial bawd monstrosity distributor
With inattentive jab Lethe Moses
Aren't you tired of these messages?

Posted by ginevra (link)