I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 20 April 2004
The envelope please

Well, my first choice, Miami of Ohio, denied me. It soothes me a little to know that they only took three people for the program I was applying to. (If you're applying to grad school, beware a window envelope from the admissions department. Trust me.)

Florida State has made me a nice offer, so it looks like we are moving to Tallahassee, which some of you may recognize from the 2000 election debacle. I went to FSU my freshman and sophomore years, before making the odd decision to transfer to UF. So FSU is my once and future school, as evidenced by the following student IDs.

then and now
Posted by ginevra (link)
Those are both you? EEEEK!
Yep! I was so naive in the 80s, that's what strikes me. The "second me" has dealt with a lot of issues, while the "first me" had no idea what lay ahead of her...
Student discounts at the movies!
NOOOOOO I wanted to you come live with meeeeee nooooo!!!!
I know! I'm still disappointed it didn't work out!
I'm not. Suck on that, Jen!
Disappointed you couldn't leave us? Now take that back!
ha! take that! Ohio RULEZ!
You guys know that I'm seriously allergic to this state.
And yet, all the COOL KIDS live here in Tampa. Discuss.