I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 8 March 2004
Taste sensation that's sweeping the nation

They are eating cinnamon and butter flavored pork rinds at The Office today.

There's no emoticon for how gross that is!

Posted by ginevra (link)
Ewwww! I hope they weren't heated in the microwave before consumption. What an interesting smell!
No, thankfully, there's just a bag of them sitting on the 'free food' table, and the scary thing is, the bag is empty.
Good gravy; what focus group decided that was a tasty combinations?
Look what the Atkins craze has done to this once-proud nation.
Which once-proud nation would that be, exactly? Because near as I can tell, this nation has never had pride...
Well, in terms of snacking habits, most Americans used to not eat pork rinds, so, something has happened to bring them into the mainstream.
Pork rinds/skins or cracklin has always been a staple in the south. Yum! Growing up in South Carolina, there is almost no part of a pig that goes wasted. Pigs feet, chitterlings aka. chitlins(intestines), pig snout, tails... it's all fair game here.
Well - at least nothing goes to waste that way.

Of course, who am I to judge - I like that Southern delicacy, boiled peanuts!
yup, the low crab craze.

once you puff those prok rinds up they are virtually nothing, and NOT starch, not much of anythign else , except toppings... I was as shocked as you were, to hear other people than my dad eating them. he gets the kind you pop in the microwave now, not kiding.
Once someone left porkrinds in the microwave too long, with disasterously stinky results!