I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 1 March 2004
Tom Petty was right! The waiting really IS the hardest part!

We are six weeks out from deadline one, and four weeks from deadline two; still no news at all.

Since no one has raised any objections here, I will be picking up some nicotine patches after payday this week. I need something to help me maintain my competitive edge without making me smell bad, so I think that the N Patch is the way to go.

Posted by ginevra (link)
It's highly addictive. Highly, highly, highly.

But addiction's one of my pet bugaboos. I find it difficult to take a series of antibiotics, since I have two alcoholic grandparents and an uncle with a little heroin problem that pretty much destroyed his adult life (spent most of it in prison).

So you can take that as you will. :)
Hey! I forgot to type my name in the last post! I am not Anonymous Coward!
Actually, the gum is better than the patches. Tastes terrible, but it is buzz-a-rific.

I also reccommend ciggarettes without the filters. They have maximum impact. Keep them in the car for the commutes to and from, etc.

Sid, knock it off. If Karen smokes, I'm not gonna kiss her. It's as simple as that.

Ciorstan, I know you're no coward! The programmer just put that in as a default when no one puts in a name.
If she decides to smoke, she already knows you won't kiss her... Well, that' should be motivation enough to not do it, eh? Mmmm, dirty ash trays and greasy pork chops.... Oh wait, that's for drinking, right?
See, that's why I was thinking the patch might be the way to go. But a cigr does have its charm.