I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 12 February 2004
The real problem with television

Thank gawd Congress was so upset by Janet Jackson's boob that they have at last decided to act. [/sarcasm] It's okay that there's all sorts of graphic violence on TV, but a glimpse of one titty and it's hello, Inquisition.

You know what needs to be regulated on the television? You know what the real problem is?

Advertisements for feminine products.

Yes, I'm proud of my body and think biology is wonderful, yadda, yadda, yadda. Look, neither I nor my fellow women out there need to be reminded about those sorts of things, especially while we're watching TV. And I'm pretty sure most guys will agree with me on this one. There's no call for that.

So let's forget about pursuing nudity and root out what really needs to never be on TV. Let's ban ads for "feminine protection" today. Write your elected officials!

And another thing: television programs should NEVER be able to show surgery without a warning beforehand. "Coming up next - today's weather, plus we'll show you elective eye surgery, starting with this graphic, icky close-up while we go to a commercial! Enjoy your corn flakes!"

Posted by ginevra (link)