I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 9 February 2004
Photo Blog #3

I have been stalking this van for a photo op. I saw it a few weeks ago, parked on the side of the causeway on my way home from work - after shooting all my film at lunch. Curse the luck! The third time was the charm; that is, the third time I saw it parked in the same place.

Bible Van

I totally expected the van driver to be out distributing tracts, but instead, he (?) remained in the driver's seat, reading a well-highlighted Bible.

Bible Van 2

Later, we spotted this van in the parking lot of the Golden Corral.


As you can see, I continue to be enamored by trees and branches. I need to learn how to boost the contrast while I'm taking the picture. Though there is no shame in fixing photos in Photoshop.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Using Photoshop just makes you a multi-media artist.