I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 14 January 2004
Monkey Hate Write, Monkey Like Socialization

All this writing has made me so incredibly lame that I have not yet made it out to see RoTK. Anyone in the area interested in seeing it with Godfrey and me this weekend? I was thinking maybe Saturday or Sunday afternoon, dinner afterwards on Saturday or possibly lunch at Jasmine Thai on Sunday beforehand. We're flexible. Come celebrate my return to normalcy!

Sekrit Confession: I've never read any book by Tolkien. Unless you count that Photonovelization of the 1970s animated version of The Hobbit. Please do not send me hate mail because of this literary oversight on my part.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Let me know of your plans for the film; we haven't seen it either.
I haven't seen it either - and I never got past "The Hobbit". Sunday would be best for me since I have Mom Duty this Saturday. Jasmine Thai... Amazing Chicken... Just thinking about it... Oh no - now I'll have to go soak my head in a bucket of cold water.
I couldn't get past chapter two, of any tolkien book. boring as hell. singign? poetry? gooooood.

but the movies, I'm a HUGE fan.
goooooood = gawd!
I tried to read the trilogy 3 or 4 times; couldn't get through it. He's like the Dickens of fantasy.
I didn't find Lord of the Rings difficult to read (but admittedly I just skimmed through the battle scenes, since to me they're much less interesting to read than character interaction). The Silmarillion, though, I found truly soporific.