I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 27 September 2002
Talking Back

Karel wrote:

"Correction: That stupid Ford-commercial song sucks, that gods-damned 9/11 song sucks, and Alan Jackson sucks most of all. Let's hear it for the suckitude of country-and-western music. (It isn't that anymore, of course... it's Country-Pop. Real "country" music has been squeezed clear out of the public consciousness. In a weird sort of way, I prefer the honest country music to the MTV/Nashville demonspawn we're subjected to nowadays. Blarg.)

This random email brought to you buy the letters Rainy and Day and by the number pi."

Jen from Very Big Blog also had a comment on the Burger King onion rings entry, with a request for a comment area. She's a blog authority, so I'm going to take her advice. My technical support person (Jeff) is going to set up commenting soon. Just keep it clean, you guys - my mom reads my blog!

Posted by ginevra (link)
Okay, I've written a commenting system for you. I've gone back and enabled comments on the last few posts; if you want me to enable it on all your old posts, let me know.

yay! comments!!!!