I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 2 December 2003
Prescription for disaster

I'm diabetic. I don't like talking about it much. You know what makes it about five times worse? Having to deal with pharmacies and insurance companies. I requested my remaining refill last week, asking for a Tuesday pick-up, to be specific. Now, it's my fault that I didn't pick it up on Tuesday, but I figured I had seven days to get there. Plus I called and left a voice mail - "Please don't put back my insulin refill, I went out of town and forgot, I will be there to get it Monday. I promise." Well, it should come as no surprise that they did put it back in stock, and since my prescription expired on the 26th, they couldn't get it for me. Me: "But it wasn't expired when I asked for the refill!" Them: "Sorry, we now have to call your doctor." Me: "But I left you a message asking you not to put it back!" Them: "Oh well."

Okay, let me be the first to assure you that there's no buzz from insulin. Taking it just makes me feel less crappy. Also, one usually does not get miraculously cured - even though they tell you that losing weight helps the condition, take it from me, it doesn't. So why does the damn prescription even expire? Now I have to wait two to three days while they take their time calling the doctor and I have to do with taking half my meds.

And don't get me started on insurance companies; I have to use the less convenient form of the stuff I have to take with meals. I used to get the handy-dandy pen filled with the stuff. Now that my employer switched insurance companies (which they had to in order to be able to maintain insurance in the first place - 40% increase, don't ya know) I have to lug a vial and syringes around. Very attractive and simple. Not. If I had to do without insurance, paying for this stuff, which is at least $100, would be very problematic. Yet our politicians remain oblivious, because we as a nation are oblivious, just give us our TV and no one gets hurt.

Posted by ginevra (link)