I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 26 November 2003
Super Krap.

I'm feeling discouraged, it all started when I tried to become more Zen in my attitude toward getting into grad school, but now it's become gloominess. I think I've waited too long to nail down all my letter of recommendation writers - hey, YOU try going up to people you haven't seen in 13 years and asking them to write a letter on your behalf! - in fact I may have offended one of my potentials. Why do they need three damn letters of recommendation? All this crap is due in the middle or end of January. I just don't know right now. Yeah, I know, what else is new?

I'm sorry this place hasn't been much fun to visit lately. I'm sorry I haven't been much fun to visit lately. I should just make a blanket apologia. Hey, at least I introduced you to the horrors of the osage orange!

Posted by ginevra (link)