I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 21 November 2003
Weekend Outlook

I am anticipating a pleasantly productive weekend. In addition to the fun and games of laundry, I need to officially ask people for letters of recommendation for school, and work on my admissions essay and writing sample. I have a good idea for a paper that will be based on work I did a year ago, so that's a load off my mind. Hopefully I will also be able to have a draft of the paper soon, as I want to give a copy of it to my recommenders. Is that a word? Recommenders? It is now.

This week flew by. I've been burning the candle at all four ends lately, so it will be nice to bring it down a notch. I'm trying to cultivate this Zen-like outlook on the whole grad school thing. You know, trying not to fall in love with one certain school, trying to brace myself to the fact that I may not get accepted anywhere, that sort of thing.

Everyone is in search of chocolate around here. But I've already said too much...

Posted by ginevra (link)