I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 31 October 2003
Happy Halloween

Before I get back to my last-minute studying, let me wish all of you a Happy Halloween. It's my favorite holiday. Sure, you can get some nifty gifts on Christmas, but you don't get to dress up in costume. (Perhaps that's why I like the SCA so much.) Yesterday I saw a sign on a church for a "Hallejulah Festival" (sorry if that's not spelled right, I'm on a mission right now). The sign promised all sorts of "safe" fun, but then it said - "No costumes - casual dress please". What's up with that? Where in the Bible does it say "thou shalt not dress up in costumes once a year"? I mean, if you think the holiday is unwholesome or evil or pagan or whatever, that's one thing (one thing = misguided, wrong, goofy, etc.), but I think it's rotten for kids to miss out on dressing up.

Posted by ginevra (link)